Maya Chaudhary

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Chapter Eleven

I wake up from my beautiful sleep because of the shining light of the beautiful sun. I quickly get up in shock; I am on Jed’s bed. How did I sleep here? The last thing I knew is that I’m sleeping on the car while we’re on our way home.

Jed might carry me because he doesn’t want me to wake up. I smile from the thought of him carrying me. Don’t put colors of the things that he did to you because you don’t have any reason to be happy! 

My subconscious spats again but this time I roll my eyes at her.

Happily, I get up from the bed and went to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, wash my face and fix my hair, leaving it down. I then went outside of the bathroom, outside from the bedroom and straight downstairs. It’s Saturday and to think that Jed has no work on weekends.

I search the house looking for my husband. Now I accept the fact that I love him even he loves someone else. I accidentally open Jed’s mini Library and there I saw Jed talking with 3 other handsome young man about our age. Their conversation stops when they saw me standing on the door. I try to leave but it’s too late, Jed is looking at me intently including the three guys.

“I…I’m sorry to interrupt, I just leave now” I said. The man with a dark hair stands up “Why leave? You are so beautiful, no wonder why Jed marries you” he stops and looks at Jed then give a little cough. “Well never mind, I’m Nathan Brown by the way” he introduces. “Hi” I mutter.

“Oooh, I think Nathan has a crush on your wife Jed” the dirty blonde guy grins. “No, I just appreciate the beauty that God gave to her and beside Jed I’m not much in wasting time not telling the girl how beautiful she is” Jed didn’t say anything, instead he stands up and walk towards me. I look at him and he smiles, it makes me feel care and loved by him. He then grabs my hip by his hard muscular arm and rests my body to his side. Nathan Brown back-off.

“His name is John Flynn” Jed introduces the guy who has a dirty blonde hair. John nods at me and smile and I did the same to him. “That one is Ryan Scotts” Jed introduces the blonde man beside John. Ryan smiles at me and said “You are really pretty, Jed really marry you and we thought that he’s going to marry…” he look at Jed and stop “Ayah! Nice meeting you Cheska” “Nice to meet you too” I said, but I know that he’s referring to Rose but was stopped by Jed’s furious eyes.

“What about me?” Nathan interrupts. “She already knows your name” Jed snaps sarcastically, I shrug. “Well actually Jed, your wife is so good to feature the new magazine of mine the “Life is Fun with clothes for summer edition” Nathan said changing the subject. “I beg your pardon?” I said. “You are the perfect first female model to be capture on my magazine Racetrack Rider Community” Nathan said. “I’m sorry, but I am not a model” I smile apologetically. “But you could be and beside you just need to pose and smile for the camera and I will pay you with the amount that we will be talking” he said full of hope. I felt Jed’s eyes looking at us intently so I look at him and smile.

“I didn’t say yes about this yet Nathan and haven’t you heard Cheska? She’s not a model so please give it a break. You could still find someone better” Jed said that makes me upset. “So you mean that I am not suitable to be a model and that I am not beautiful?” I snap and step away from him. “I didn’t say that” he snaps back. “You don’t have to say it because you already define it!” I snap again. “Fine, I did say that but you still can’t handle the model thing because of your restaurant” he glares.

"I think I’m the one who can tell about the things that I should and shouldn’t do” I glare back at him. “Excuse me, but you shouldn’t fight about this thing you know” Nathan interrupts. “Back-off Nathan it’s a husband and wife fight, you don’t want to mess with them” John said. “Let him be John, I haven’t seen Nathan lying across the floor” Ryan scoffs. 

I didn’t take my glare off to Jed, I am not afraid you know! “Fine” Jed sigh in defeat “Fine” I smile “Now, Nathan tell me about the salary and the things I need to do” I continue. Jed sat back to his seat while Nathan and I talk about the modeling thing.

Later, Jed and the two guys have their own topic but in the corner of my eye, Jed is not really listening to the two boys because he is insanely staring at me and Nathan. Why acting so strange right now boy? Nathan and I finished discussing about the modeling thing; on the other hand Jed and the two boys are finished with their topic as well.

“So, when will I start the modeling?” I ask Nathan. “Well, hey Jed why don’t you bring Cheska at the Racetrack Rider Community in Whidbey Island? I’m sure that the other Community members are dying to meet her” Nathan said. “Excuse me, Racetrack Rider what?” I ask confusingly, Jed hasn’t mentioned something like this kind of stuff.

“It’s a Community for…” “I’ll bring him and besides it’s Rainer’s birthday” Jed cut off Nathan.

He will bring me with him? Oh! He is so sweet. He was just forced by Nathan because he told him so, don’t be ridiculous and besides he hasn’t tell you about this community because you’re not included to his future you fool! 

My subconscious glare at me but I know she’s right about it.
